Collaboration leads Coalition Attack Guidance Experiment for Defence
Insitec played a key role in the exploration of a new Coalition Attack Guidance Experiment (CAGE IIIA), in partnership with Northrop Grumman for the Department of Defence and Australia’s Defence Science Technology Group. The project involved hardware and software specification, installation, configuration, training, and integration with Defence Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) mission systems.
The CAGE IIIA experiment was designed and conducted as a large-scale distributed, peer-to-peer federated experiment. The aims of the experiment were:
- Battlespace integration
- Synchronisation
- Coordination and deconfliction
- Joint fires system interoperability
- Resolve cross-boundary control issues in the prosecution of dynamic targets and emergent targets.
Insitec was selected by Northrop Grumman to implement its eCore solution in the CAGE IIIA domain and offer architectural and domain knowledge of defence systems and ISR interfaces. Insitec was responsible for the design, integration and sustainment of the eCore solution for the entire life of the experiment.
The problem domain focused on the joint and coalition task force battle space, mainly cross-boundary control issues in the prosecution of dynamic targets and emergent targets.
Insitec provided Northrop Grumman with detailed knowledge of interface requirements and Integration solutions for the experiment. We stood up the physical and virtual infrastructure for Northrop Grumman and shipped hardware to the experiment location.
During the stand-up of the physical infrastructure we experienced hardware issues and quickly resolved them by liaising with vendors to provide repairs. Once infrastructure was installed, Insitec liaised with DSTG staff to ensure network connectivity and interface access to all ISR Data Sources.
As further requirements of the experiment were understood, we made further systems changes in consultation with Northrop Grumman and DSTG. We provided training to both DSTG and ADF personnel to allow them to successfully use the eCore product and provide Intelligence information to the Australian Joint Fires team.
Insitec’s implemented solution was not required to solve all of the CAGE IIIA problems. The solution provides a federated single pane of glass view of all ISR data sources to allow the building of intelligence product to assist in the prosecution of emergent and dynamic targets. The system was configured, integrated and Defence personnel were trained within two weeks. This allowed ISR analysts to achieve all aims of the CAGE IIIA experiment.