Strategic IT reform program for Tulgeen Disability Services

Insitec assisted Tulgeen Disability Services to reform their IT support and service arrangement introducing a strategically managed service program integrating desktop computers, networks and cloud hosting of applications with data management.

Tulgeen Disability Services operates a range of businesses, including a cheese factory, nursery, clothing and printing services, to support people in the community living with physical and mental disability. These services are backed up by a regulated care program and professional staff who are highly skilled with diverse areas of support knowledge for the care programs.

These skilled staff were spending their time manually entering service time and care program updates into client reports by returning to the primary administration site on a daily basis. With Insitec assisting Tulgeen with strategic IT direction, we have implemented a network of Biometric devices to improve time recording of all staff. Government regulations within their industry added more pressure on the business of caring for their clients and much of the IT systems previously implemented did not integrate well to improve the outcome but added more overhead and burdens on the staff.

The existing environment was unatable and costing the organisation significant lost time and productivity.

Insitec was selected by Tulgeen to manage their whole IT system from Desktop to application hosting and data recovery. Insitec’s strategic approach to ICT service delivery was a key requirement from the Tulgeen board. With a centralised cloud-delivered application suite, integration of new sites can be achieved within short lead times due to standardised IT equipment and services.

The last improvements for Tulgeen were the migration to cost effective NBN services and implementation of a single telephony service at reduced costs to the organisation. They now receive a fixed bill for all standard ICT and telephony services.

Insitec provided Tulgeen with a history of proven support arrangements that demonstrate the benefits of consolidated support with cloud-hosted infrastructure.

The infrastructure is updated, protected and accessible to authorised vendor support providers when required. It is all delivered under a ITIL-based change management process that ensures the stability of the production environment.

Insitec’s CompleteCARE sustainment program, upgraded where required to implement the integration of all sites into one networked environment, enables staff to update client records at the site they are working in, requiring significantly less manual note-taking and returning to central sites to update client records.

The solution fully complies with Commonwealth cyber security guidelines, thus protecting client records and staff from viruses via email services or attacks via internet. Data recovery from single file to whole of drive is possible and achieved within SLA times.

As this organisation is a not-for-profit company, justifying costs and making savings are key to success of the business. Insitec continues to provide that assurance and service that reduces staff issues by providing a single point of contact for helpdesk support, leading to consistent information on how to access and use business applications.